coolant temperature MITSUBISHI L200 2014 Owner's Manual (in English)

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Water temperature gaugeE00500800479
The water temperature gauge indicates the engine
coolant temperature when the ignition switch is in
the “ON” position.CAUTIONl If the indication needle enters the H zone
while the engine is running, it indicates
that the engine is possibly overheating. Im-
mediately park your vehicle in a safe
place and make the necessary correc-
tions. (Refer to “Engine overheating” on
page 6-04.)
While driving, care should always be tak-
en to maintain the normal operating tem-
perature.Daytime dipper button (meter illumi-
nation control)* E00508800273
The rheostat can be adjusted while the headlamps
or tail lamps turn on.
Turn the dial to adjust the illumination (meter, mul-
ti centre display, audio system’s control panel, heat-
er control panel, etc.) to the desired brightness.
1- To reduce brightness
2- To increase brightness
Instruments and controls

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Steering wheel lockE00601500227
To lock
Remove the key at the “LOCK” position.
Turn the steering wheel until it is locked.
To unlock
Turn the key to the “ACC” position while moving
the steering wheel slightly.
CAUTIONl Remove the key when leaving the vehicle.
l If the front wheels are turned, the anti-theft
lock may sometimes make it difficult to turn
the key from “LOCK” to “ACC”. Firmly
turn the steering wheel to the left or to the
right as you turn the key.
Starting E00601600404
Tips for starting l Do not operate the starter motor continuous-
ly for anything longer than 10 seconds; do-
ing so could run down the battery. If the en-
gine does not start, turn the ignition switch
back to “LOCK” position, wait a few sec-
onds, and then try again.
Trying repeatedly with the starter motor still
turning will damage the starter mechanism.
l If the engine cannot be started because the
battery is weak or dead, refer to the “Emer-
gency starting” section for instructions on
starting the engine.
l The engine is well warmed up if the coolant
temperature gauge needle starts to move (the
engine speed decreases). Extended warming-
up operation will result in excessive fuel con-
sumption.WARNINGl Never run the engine in a closed or poor-
ly ventilated area any longer than is nee-
ded to move your vehicle in or out of the
area. Carbon monoxide gases are odour-
less and can be fatal.CAUTIONl Never attempt to start the engine by push-
ing or pulling the vehicle. Especially the
automatic transmission, since the struc-
ture is different from a manual transmis-
sion, it is not possible to start the engine
by using this technique. Never attempt
this or it could damage the automatic
l Do not run the engine at high rpm or
drive the vehicle at high speed until the en-
gine has had a chance to warm up.
l Release the ignition key as soon as the en-
gine starts to avoid damaging the starter
l Do not stop the engine immediately after
high-speed or uphill driving. First allow
the engine to idle to give the turbocharg-
er a chance to cool down.Starting the engine E00601702223
1.Insert the ignition key and fasten the seat belt.
2. Make sure the parking brake is applied.
3. Depress and hold the brake pedal.
4. On vehicles with manual transmission, place
the gearshift lever in the “N” (Neutral) posi-
tion and depress the clutch pedal all the way.
Starting and driving
4-12 OKTE14E2

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Blower speed selection dialE00700700119
Select the blower speed by turning the blower
speed selection dial clockwise or anticlockwise.
The blower speed will gradually increase as the di-
al is turned to the right.
When the blower speed selection dial is set to the
“OFF” position, all fan-driven airflow will stop.Temperature control dial E00700900209
Turn the temperature control dial clockwise to
make the air warmer. Turn it anticlockwise to
make the air cooler.
l While the engine coolant temperature is low,
the temperature of the air from the heater
will be cool/cold until the engine warms up,
even if you have selected warm air with the
dial.Mode selection dial E00701100266
To change the position and amount of air flowing
from the ventilators, turn the mode selection dial.
(Refer to “Changing the mode selection” on page
Air selection lever E00701300460
To change the air selection, use the air selection lev-
l “
” Outside air
Outside air is introduced into the passenger
l “
” Recirculated air
Air is recirculated inside the passenger com-
For pleasant driving
5-04 OKTE14E2

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When the blower speed selection dial is set to the
“OFF” position, all fan-driven airflow will stop.Temperature control dial E00703000575
Turn the temperature control dial clockwise to
make the air warmer. Turn it anticlockwise to
make the air cooler.Type 1Type 2

l While the engine coolant temperature is low,
the temperature of the air from the heater
will be cool/cold until the engine warms up,
even if you have selected warm air with the
dial.Mode selection dial E00703200274
To change the position and amount of air flowing
from the ventilators, turn the mode selection dial.
(Refer to “Changing the mode selection” on page
Air selection switch E00703400638
To change the air selection, simply press the air se-
lection switch.
l Outside air {Indication lamp (A) is OFF}
Outside air is introduced into the passenger
For pleasant driving

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4.After the engine coolant temperature has drop-
ped to the normal temperature, stop the engine.
5. Check the coolant level in the reserve tank.
WARNINGl If there is none, make sure that the en-
gine has cooled down before removing
the radiator cap, because hot steam or boil-
ing water otherwise will gush from the fill-
er port and may scald you.6. Add coolant to the radiator and/or reserve
tank if necessary (refer to the “Maintenance”
section.)CAUTIONl Do not add coolant while the engine is
hot. Suddenly adding cold coolant could
damage the engine. Wait for the engine to
cool down, then add coolant a little at a
7. Examine the radiator hoses for coolant leak-
age and the drive belt for looseness or damage.
If there is anything wrong with the cooling
system or drive belt, we recommend you to
have it checked and repaired.
Bleeding the fuel system E00800700312
The fuel system should be bled to remove air as de-
scribed below if the fuel supply is exhausted during
Type 1 1.Loosen the air plug (A) at the top of the fuel
For emergencies

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NOTEl Use of additives is not recommended since
they may reduce the effectiveness of addi-
tives already included in the engine oil. It
may result in failure of the mechanical assem-
bly.Engine coolant E01000502153
To check the coolant level
A transparent coolant reserve tank (A) is located in
the engine compartment.
The coolant level in this tank should be kept be-
tween the “LOW” and “FULL” marks when meas-
ured while the engine is cold.
*: Front of the vehicle
To add coolant
The cooling system is a closed system and normal-
ly the loss of coolant should be very slight. A no-
ticeable drop in the coolant level could indicate leak-
age. If this occurs, we recommend you to have the
system checked as soon as possible.
If the level should drop below the “LOW” level on
the reserve tank, open the lid and add coolant.
Also, if the reserve tank is completely empty, re-
move the radiator cap (B) and add coolant until the
level reaches the filler neck.
WARNINGl Do not open the radiator cap (B) while
the engine is hot. The coolant system is un-
der pressure and any hot coolant escap-
ing could cause severe burns.
The engine coolant contains an ethylene glycol anti-
corrosion agent. The cylinder head and water pump
housing are cast aluminium alloy, and periodic
changing of the engine coolant is necessary to pre-
vent corrosion of these parts.

LONG LIFE COOLANT” or equivalent.
excellent protection against corrosion and rust for-
mation of all metals including aluminium and can
avoid blockages in the radiator, heater, cylinder
head, engine block, etc.
Because of the necessity of this anti-corrosion
agent, the coolant must not be replaced with plain
water even in summer. The required concentration
of anti-freeze differs depending on the expected am-
bient temperature.
( minimum) °C-15-20-25-30-35-50Anti-freeze
concentra- tion %303540455060
8-06 OKTE14E2
8Type 1
Type 2

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CAUTIONlDo not use alcohol or methanol anti-
freeze or any engine coolants mixed with
alcohol or methanol anti-freeze. The use
of an improper anti-freeze can cause cor-
rosion of the aluminium components.
l For effective anti-corrosion and anti-
freeze performance, keep the anti-freeze
concentration within the range of 30 to
60 %.
Concentrations exceeding 60 % will re-
sult in a reduction of both the anti-freeze
and cooling performance thus adversely
affecting the engine.
l Do not top up with water only.
Water by itself reduces the rust-protec-
tive and anti-freeze qualities of the cool-
ant and has a lower boiling point. It can
also cause damage to the cooling system if
it should freeze. Do not use tapwater, as it
can cause corrosion and rust formation.
During cold weather
If the temperatures in your area drop below freez-
ing, there is the danger that the coolant in the en-
gine or radiator could freeze and cause severe dam-
age to the engine and/or radiator.
Add a sufficient amount of anti-freeze to the cool-
ant to prevent it from freezing.
The concentration should be checked before the
start of cold weather and anti-freeze added to the
system if necessary.
Automatic transmission fluid* E01000601030
The proper amount of automatic transmission fluid
is essential to the life and operation of the automat-
ic transmission. Either insufficient fluid or exces-
sive fluid could cause transmission trouble. The
transmission fluid filler port cap is equipped with a
dipstick. Use the following procedure to check the
fluid level.
Procedure for checking the fluid level 1.Check the fluid level after the vehicle has
been driven enough to warm up the transmis-
sion fluid.
2. Park the vehicle on a flat, level surface and
apply the parking brake.
3. With the engine idling and the brake pedal
fully depressed, move the transmission selec-
tor lever through all the positions from “P”
(PARK) to “D” (DRIVE), stopping momen-
tarily at each position.
4. Move the selector lever to the “P” (PARK)
5. Remove the dipstick and wipe it with a clean
lint-free cloth.
6. Reinsert the dipstick as far as it goes.7. Remove dipstick and read the automatic trans-
mission fluid level.
The fluid level should always be between the
two marks on the dipstick.WARNINGl Do not spill the fluid onto a hot exhaust
manifold during topping up or inspec-
tion, or a fire may occur.
Fluid type
ATF SP III” transmission fluid to ensure optimum
transmission performance.

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Switch 1-08
Electrical system 9-16
Electronic immobilizer (Anti-theft starting sys-
tem) 1-03
Emergency starting 6-02
Engine specifications 9-14
Coolant 8-06,9-21
Number 9-02
Oil 8-04,9-21
Overheating 6-04
Specifications 9-14
Used engine oils safety instructions and disposal in-
formation 05
Water temperature gauge 3-05 Error codes 5-43
Exterior and interior lamp operation 8-18
FFirst-aid kit and warning triangle band for secur-
ing 5-81
Floor console box 5-77
Automatic transmission fluid

Brake fluid 8-08,9-21
Clutch fluid 8-09,9-21
Engine coolant 8-06,9-21
Power steering fluid 8-09,9-21
Washer fluid 8-08,9-21 For cold and snowy weather 8-19
Front console box 5-77
Front fog lamps
Bulb capacity 8-24
Indication lamp 3-07
Replacement 8-28
Switch 3-34 Front room lamp
Bulb capacity 8-25 Replacement 8-32
Front seat 2-03
Front turn-signal lamps
Bulb capacity

Replacement 8-27 Fuel consumption 9-19
Filling the fuel tank 02
Fuel filter indication lamp 3-07
Fuel gauge 3-04
Fuel selection 02
Low fuel warning lamp 3-04
Modification/alterations to the electrical or fuel sys-
tems 04
Tank capacity 02 Fuses 8-20
Fusible links 8-19
G Gauges 3-02
General maintenance

General vehicle data 9-03
Genuine parts 05
Glove box 5-77
Glove box lamp
Bulb capacity 8-24
Replacement 8-33
H Handling of compact discs 5-49
Hazard warning flasher switch 3-34
Hazard warning indication lamps

Head restraints 2-08
Headlamp levelling switch 3-32
Bulb capacity 8-24
Headlamp flasher 3-31 Replacement 8-25
Switch 3-30
Washer switch 3-39
Heated mirror 4-10
Heated seats 2-06
Heater 5-03
High-mounted stop lamp
Bulb capacity

Replacement 8-31 Hinges and latches lubrication 8-19
Coat hook 5-81
Convenient hook 5-81 Horn switch 3-40
I If the vehicle breaks down 6-02
Ignition switch 4-10
Indication and warning lamps

Indication lamps 3-07
Inside rear-view mirror 4-08
Inspection and maintenance following rough road
operation 4-36
Installation of accessories 04
Instruments 3-02
Interior lamps 5-74
J Jack handle 6-12
Storage 6-07 Jacking up the vehicle

Storage 6-07 Jump starting (Emergency starting) 6-02 Alphabetical index

2 OKTE14E2